James Poole reflection

The only band that really counts

It was 50 years ago today. The world changed. Just as Kubrick represented the evolution of man in 2001: A Space Odyssey, I can only assume that a black monolith was present in Liverpool at the dawn of our new musical age, with four lads caressing its veneer; four lads who would change simply everything. […]

James Poole reflection

Radio 2 Listeners: I’m revoking your license to have an opinion

Now this is a tough one. The spirit of the freethinking movement is to encourage conversation about music, to encourage opening your mind to new sounds. To encourage an opinion. The problem is, sometimes the opinion seems so totally at odds with ‘what’s right’ that I have to hold my hand up. Here goes… Over […]

James Poole recommendations

Paul is your man

It’s been about a week since I wrote my last post. During this time, The Beatles took over the charts thanks to their music now being available on iTunes. Great. About time. It doesn’t make a spot of difference to me personally, as I don’t really need to buy their stuff again. Twice is enough. […]